West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee


Minutes of a meeting of the West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee held on

Tuesday, 13th December, 2022 at 11.00 am at the Chamber - Kilworthy Park







Chairman Cllr Yelland

Vice Chairman Cllr Pearce


 Cllr Cheadle (as Substitute)


Cllr Leech

Cllr Mott


Cllr Moyse

Cllr Ratcliffe


Cllr Renders

Cllr Southcott




In attendance:




Head of Development Management

Senior Specialist - Planning

Monitoring Officer

Democratic Services Officer







28.                         Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Heyworth and Cllr Spettigue. Cllr R Cheadle substituted for Cllr Spettigue. 





29.                         Declarations of Interest


Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of this meeting.





30.                         Items Requiring Urgent Attention


There was no urgent business brought forward to this meeting.





31.                         Confirmation of Minutes


The minutes from the meeting held on 8 November were  approved subject to the deletion of the words ‘The application would still be recommended for refusal’ in the draft minute DM&L.27, update on Major applications on application 4004/21/FUL.





32.                         Planning Applications


The Committee proceeded to consider the report that had been prepared by the relevant Principle Planning Officer on the following Application and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Council together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below:


(a) Application No:    2961/22/VAR               Ward: Hatherleigh



Site Address:   Solar Farm, Willsland, Highampton.


Development: Application for variation of condition 12 (removal of equipment and site restoration) on Appeal Decision APP/Q1153/A/11/2164421 (01537/2011) to extend the operational life of the solar farm.


      Recommendation: Conditional Approval




1.         Variation of time

2.        No additional external lighting

3.        No additional plant and machinery

4.   Adherence to recommendations of approved Habitat Survey


Key Issues for consideration: Principle of development, Design/Visual Impact, Neighbour Amenity, Highways, Carbon Reduction.


Speakers:          Supporter: Juliette Bustamante (Agent)

                          Ward Member: Cllr Clare Kemp


Cllr Kemp spoke to give the views of Highampton Parish Council. The views of the Parish Council was that there was no advantage in granting an extension.


In response to a Member question as to if a panel needed to be replaced would planning permission be required, the Planning Officer confirmed not if it were for like for like replacement.


In debate having considered the key issues Members concluded  that there was no material reason to refuse the application.


      Committee Decision: Approval Conditional Consent



1.         Variation of time

2.        No additional external lighting

3.        No additional plant and machinery

4.        Adherence to recommendations of approved Habitat Survey





33.                         Planning Appeals Update


The Head of Development Management took Members through the Appeals Update.





34.                         Update on Undetermined Major Applications


Members were given the progress on undetermined major applications and in particular the proposed development at Devonshire Gardens was raised in regard to the proposed attenuation tank to sit under the allotments. Talks are ongoing with the drainage authority to find out how deep the tank would be positioned.






The Meeting concluded at 11.40 am





Signed by:





